Topflora Liquid

Solution For Quality Agricultural Outcome

Enhances germination percentage (when seeds are  soaked) due to the presence of growth promoting  substances
Acts as growth promoter, increases the number of functional nodules due to presence of several cytokinins
Useful in Organic Farming
Increases the crop yield due to presence of micro-  elements and plant growth regulators and enhances  nutritional quality of the grains
A gradual substitute to conventional synthetic fertilizers

Mixture of Seaweeds (Laminaria and Sargassum) On dry weight basis - Organic matter 60%, Alginic acid 16-17%, Total nitrogen 1-2%, Total phosphorus 0.8-1.2%, Total potassium 18-20%, Calcium 1.0-1.2%, Magnesium 0.25- 0.3%, Sulphur 1.5-2.0%, Sodium 4.0-4.5%, Copper 20 ppm, Betaines 5.0-5.4ppm, C:N-10:1, also contains Natural Auxins, Gibberellins, Cytokinins & Amino acids.

Usage: Mix 500-1000ml of Topflora Liquid with 150-200 Ltr. water & spray (1acre), repeat in 10 days for better results.

Disclaimer: The product contains natural ingredients & may change color, consistency  and fragrance, without losing effectiveness.